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What is Anaconda? Downloading and Installing

In this article we are going to learn the following - What is Anaconda? How to Download Anaconda? And, Installing and setting up Anaconda environment.
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Perform MLOps with Azure ML

Here, we’ll go through the MLOps services offered by Microsoft Azure. MLOps is a huge part of any project enabled with Machine Learning. Recently, there has been news of a new startup by Andrew Ng called Landing AI getting $57 Million in Series A function to build a new data-centric MLOps platform. This is the scope and importance of MLOps.   MLOps Capabilities offered by Azure ML   Azure ML provides a range of functionalities. First of all, Azure supports the creation of reproducible ML Pipelines. You can read the previous article, Azure Machine Learning Pipelines to learn about Azure ML pipelines and Azure Machine Learning - Create ML Workspace And Compute Cluster to create ML workspace in Azure. Moreover, reusable software environments can be created with Azure. Furthermore, registering, packaging, and deployment of the model can be done from anywhere. Moreover, the governance data can be c...

Face Detection And Recognition With Azure Cognitive Services

  This article is a hands-on tutorial to create a face detection and recognition system using Azure Cognitive Services. Face Detection and Recognition are non-trivial computer vision problems and are solved with a machine learning approach. There are multitudes of libraries that offer the solution for these problems. Howsoever, with Azure Cognitive Services, it becomes a lot easier.   Face Detection Face detection as the name suggests in a technology using which human faces can be detected in images, videos, and other digital forms. This has huge implications for systems from airports to shopping malls. Its applications and usage are only limited to human imagination.   Face Recognition Face Recognition is the capability of a system to recognize and distinguish a specific person through matching the digital image or video from the database of faces. From usage for security to unlock phones to identify people in social...

Perform Sentiment Analysis using Power BI

  In this article, we’ll learn about enriching data with Power BI using the Azure Cognitive Services. We’ll get a brief intro to Azure Cognitive Service and Power BI and dive into a hands-on experience to use a simple CSV file that contains data of News, transform it and with the power of Azure Cognitive Services that is integrated within Power BI now, perform sentiment analysis on the data to find out the Positivity or Negativity of the News. Lastly, we’ll visualize this data in regard to the topic which will showcase the sentiment based on the headline of the news. Azure Cognitive Services Azure Cognitive Services is one of the services offered by Microsoft Azure that enables a wide range of organizations to build cognitive intelligence for applications with client library SDKs and REST APIs. Azure Cognitive Services allows developers to integrate cognitive features into applications with no prior knowledge of Machine Le...